


2023-06-19分类:英语 阅读:52



College English Test (CET) is a standardized English language test for college and university students in China. It is divided into two levels: CET-4 and CET-6, indicating a lower and higher proficiency in the English language. Many students have queries regarding the frequency of CET tests and the article will address their concerns.

How many times is CET-4 conducted in a year?

CET-4 is conducted twice a year, usually in June and December. These two test dates give students ample time to prepare for the exams and work on their weaknesses. It is advisable to take the test in the second year of undergraduate studies as that gives them time to improve their English language proficiency during the first year. CET-4 is mandatory for undergraduate students who are non-English majors or who have not passed the CET-6 test.

How many times is CET-6 conducted in a year?

CET-6 is conducted only once a year, usually in June. As the CET- 6 test assesses a higher level of English proficiency, most universities require students to pass the CET-4 test before registering for CET-6. This test is mandatory for all undergraduate students who are English majors or who need to prove their English proficiency for graduate studies.


The frequency of CET tests in China is adequate, as CET-4 is conducted twice a year, and CET-6 is conducted once a year. Students should plan their exam schedule and prepare accordingly. Improvement in English language proficiency requires regular practice, and students should take the opportunity to practice English as much as possible. As CET tests are mandatory in the curriculum, it is imperative for students to take them seriously to achieve their desired goals.



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