


2023-06-19分类:英语 阅读:39



The 2021 English four and six level exams are just around the corner, and many students are gearing up for the crucial examination. Achieving the desired grades in four and six level exams can be a pivotal moment in one's academic and professional life. Therefore, great preparation and following these guidelines will guarantee an excellent outcome and avoid pitfalls that could lead to unsatisfactory results.

Exam Format

The four and six level exams both contain listening, reading, and writing components, but the six level exam has an additional speaking test. The listening component consists of approximately 30 multiple-choice questions, with a total duration of 30 minutes. The reading section is comprised of 40 multiple-choice questions, and the test duration is 60 minutes. The writing section requires candidates to write two essays, with a total duration of 60 minutes. For the speaking component, candidates are required to make a short introductory talk, deliver a speech, and a discussion with the examiners.

Preparation Tips

The following are tips to help candidates prepare thoroughly for their exams. Firstly, it is essential to understand the exam format and duration, as this provides a systematic approach to prepare. Secondly, students should have a thorough understanding of the English language; this includes but is not limited to grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Reading extensively and listening to English audio recordings will significantly improve the candidate's ability in these areas. Additionally, using mock tests in preparation is vital, as they allow candidates to acclimate with the exam's atmosphere, including the time limit. The practice also highlights areas of weaknesses in the candidate's skills, which require more attention.

How to Manage Exam Day

On exam day, candidates must get ample rest the night before the exam and wake up early to allow their body to adjust. It is advisable to take breakfast to provide the energy needed to last during the examination. Additionally, candidates should arrive at the examination center at least an hour before the exam to avoid stress and panic arising from a lack of time. Prior to the exam, one should read the instructions carefully and ensure that one is aware of the various exam instructions. Also, avoid rushing through the examination; instead, remain calm and composed, thereby avoiding panic.


To excel in the 2021 English four and six level exams, candidates must adhere to these guidelines, set achievable goals, and work diligently. Remember, taking an exam is not only about demonstrating knowledge on a subject matter but also managing the pressure and timing. Adequate preparation, time management, and self-motivation are critical elements in achieving success in the forthcoming exam.



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