


2023-06-19分类:英语 阅读:43



2021 English four-level examination is an influential and competitive English proficiency test in China. This exam aims to test students' English language skills, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The test content is comprehensive and practical, and it is recognized as a significant indicator of English language proficiency.

Total Score

The total score of the China National English four-level examination is 710 points, which is divided into three parts: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and comprehensive writing. The listening test and reading test each has 250 points, and the writing test has 210 points. Besides, the writing test assesses students' ability to understand and express ideas and thoughts accurately and coherently in written English. The test format includes multiple-choice, gap-filling, cloze, and short answer questions.

Score Composition

The total score of the English four-level examination is calculated from the results of each section. According to the score composition, the listening test counts for 35%, the reading test counts for 35%, and the comprehensive writing test counts for 30%. Therefore, the listening and reading tests have equal weightage, which is higher than the weightage of the writing test. The scores of each section are added to determine the final score of the test. To pass the examination, students need to obtain a total score of 425 points, and there is no compulsory passing line for each section.


In conclusion, the total score of the English four-level examination is 710 points, including listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and writing. The score composition is calculated from the results of each section, and the total score of each section added to determine the final score of the test. By knowing the test content and score composition, students can plan their study and test strategies effectively to achieve their desired scores successfully.



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