


2023-06-19分类:成绩查询 阅读:34



Every year, students in China who aspire to obtain an English language proficiency certificate eagerly anticipate the results of the English proficiency test known as the English 6-Level Test (CET-6). The test is one of the language proficiency tests that Chinese college students and graduates need to take to demonstrate their English proficiency levels. These tests are mandatory for those who wish to pursue further studies or seek employment in an English-speaking country. Today, we discuss the status of the CET-6 results for 2021.

When Are CET-6 Results Expected?

As of the time of writing, the CET-6 results for the second half of 2021 have not been released. The tests were held on June 19th, 2021, and the results were expected to be released in early July. However, the National Education Examinations Authority in China, which oversees the CET-6, has not yet announced the exact release date. Many students are eagerly waiting for the results since their future plans rely on their English proficiency levels, which will be determined by these results.

How to Check for CET-6 Results

Students can check their CET-6 results through the China Education Examination Network website. In the meantime, students can create an account on the platform so that they are prepared when the results are released. Once the results are available, students can log in to their accounts and check their scores. It is essential for students who do not pass the test to prepare for future CET exams and focus on improving their language proficiency levels.


The CET-6 test is an essential part of the academic and career lives of Chinese students, and the test results shape their future prospects. The delay in releasing the results has caused anxiety for students awaiting the results. Regardless of the final scores, students should take the results as an opportunity to reflect on their English proficiency levels and focus on improving their language skills.

It is also important to note that proficiency in English requires dedication and practice, and students should continue to strive for language proficiency and improvement regardless of their CET-6 results.



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