


2023-09-08分类:考研问答 阅读:4


KaoYan Ratner's academic qualification


Many students choose to take the postgraduate entrance examination (KaoYan) again after receiving their undergraduate degrees. However, there is a debate over whether their previous academic qualifications should be considered when evaluating their performance in the KaoYan. This article will explore the different perspectives on how to calculate the academic qualification of KaoYan Ratners.

Considering Previous Academic Qualification


One argument is that the previous academic qualification should be taken into account when evaluating KaoYan Ratners. They have already achieved a certain level of education and have proven their ability to study and perform well in exams. Therefore, their previous academic performance should not be ignored and should be considered as part of their overall educational background.

Emphasizing Current Performance

On the other hand, some believe that KaoYan Ratners should be evaluated solely based on their performance in the KaoYan. This perspective argues that the purpose of the examination is to test the students' knowledge and skills related to their desired field of study. Therefore, their previous academic qualifications may not accurately reflect their current abilities and should not be a determining factor.

An Integrated Approach


Another perspective suggests taking an integrated approach to calculate the academic qualification of KaoYan Ratners. This means considering both their previous academic achievements and their performance in the KaoYan. By doing so, a more comprehensive evaluation can be made, taking into account the students' past academic record as well as their current abilities and potential.

In conclusion, the calculation of the academic qualification for KaoYan Ratners is a complex issue with different opinions. Some argue for the inclusion of previous academic qualifications, while others emphasize the importance of current performance. An integrated approach, considering both factors, may provide a more balanced evaluation. Ultimately, the decision on how to calculate the academic qualification of KaoYan Ratners should be based on the specific context and goals of the examination.

KaoYan Ratner's academic qualification, KaoYan again, previous academic performance



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