


2023-09-01分类:考研问答 阅读:5


NanKai University Student Final Exam Ranking and How to Check


NanKai University is a prestigious university located in Tianjin, China. At the end of each semester, students eagerly await their final exam results and their ranking among their peers. However, many students are unaware of the process for checking their final exam ranking. In this article, we will explain the steps to check the final exam ranking at NanKai University.

Step 1: Login to the Student Portal


The first step to check your final exam ranking at NanKai University is to log in to the student portal. The student portal is a website where students can access important information such as their grades, class schedule, and other relevant academic details. Open your web browser and navigate to the NanKai University student portal.

Step 2: Select the Transcript Option


Once you have successfully logged in to the student portal, navigate to the "Academic" or "Grades" section. Look for the option that says "Transcript" or "Final Exam Results". This is the section where you will be able to view your final exam ranking and grades for the semester. Click on the transcript option to proceed to the next step.

Step 3: View Your Final Exam Ranking

After clicking on the transcript option, a new page will open displaying your final exam ranking and grades. Your final exam ranking will be listed alongside your name and student ID. You will be able to see how you compare to your classmates in terms of your performance in the final exams. Take note of your ranking and grades, as this information will be important for future academic purposes.


Checking your final exam ranking at NanKai University is a simple process that can be done through the student portal. By following these steps, you will be able to view your final exam ranking and compare your performance with your classmates. It is essential to regularly check your final exam ranking to monitor your academic progress and identify areas for improvement. So, log in to the student portal, select the transcript option, and view your final exam ranking today!

NanKai University, final exam ranking, student portal



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